Monday, August 6, 2012

My poor, neglected blog

Well, my resolve to become a crazy awesome blogger hasn't really come to fruitation in 2012 thus far. And dear (likely nonexistent) readers, I have some good news and some bad news.
Bad news first? This blog probably won't have any lovin' in the next few months.
Good news? I'm GOING TO ITALY!!!
Best news (for y'all)? I am definitely keeping a travel blog that will be updated on the reg. How very thrilling for all of you.

So check out my other blog: Italian Itinerary. 
You can see if from my blogger profile under My Blogs, or go the address:

WOOOOHOOOOOOOO!!!!!! Ciao belli.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Life Lately

This semester has been so wonderful! I really love the spring semester at Baylor. It is so much easier to get back into the swing of classes and so many other exciting events happen! January brings rush and a new pledge class, February brings Sing. March brings spring break, April- Diadeloso and May is summertime.

Last semester was a time for big changes in my life and utter reliance on the Lord. I truly believe God carried me through that time. I committed myself to so many things and I was feeling quite overwhelmed by a lack of time. Because of this, I HAD to rely on God for strength and affirmation, as I certainly was not finding it in the world. 
This semester, however, has been very different. I have more schoolwork, but also more free time since I committed to fewer organization and events this semester. Many friendships and relationships that are so important are really growing since I have more time to invest in them! My walk with the Lord has also been more peace driven instead of desperation driven. I still must rely upon Lord for strength every day, but this is no longer coming from place of busyness and stress where I need the Lord to provide comfort. Instead, my time with Him is sweeter and slower. It has a more sentimental feeling. Last semester, our conversations were about reliance on Him alone and fulfilling basic emotional needs. This semester we talk more about sitting in peace and loving deeply. As the pace of my life shifted, so did my needs and consequently the things God and I talk about. I am excited to see what He teaches me this semester.

It has been such a joy and blessing to be a part of Tri Delta for one year now. Going through rush on the sorority side was so different, but so fun. It can be a very stressful process and a lot happens. I was so encouraged and uplifted by the integrity of the chapter during rush and I am so proud to be a part of the club I am in. We took a talented, kind, Christ-loving and beautiful pledge class. I know those girls are going to change the Greek system, Baylor and their communities for the better! I also got to take a little this semester. Her name is Emily McWhirter and she is just amazing. She is so loving and genuine, but just so cool at the same time. I love every moment I spend with her and I cannot wait to further our sweet friendship throughout our time in Tri Delt together.

Looking forward, I am so excited about this summer and especially spending the fall in Italy! I am returning to work at Kanakuk for the first half of this summer, and I will then take summer courses at home or have an internship. This fall I will study at Florence University of the Arts in Florence, Italy. Sono molta entusiasta!

This was a brief update and some random musings on my life. I enjoy reflecting through writing, especially publicly, because it really helps me think through the things I would like to say.

Alla prossima volta! Ciao i miei amici!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Ok SO.....

In the past, this blog has been several things.

1. It has been for school.
2. It has been inconsistent.
3. It has been forgotten.
4. It has been boring.
5. It has been unwanted.

WELL NO MORE!!! I am officially entering the blogging universe. So hello world, HERE I AM!!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Souls Surfer, Soul Surfing

This is an incredible story about an incredible girl living through an incredibly unfortunate experience.
This isn't how she sees it though!
Beth Hamilton was just an ordinary teenage girl competing in a cutting edge, competitive sport. She was always competing and pushing herself to the limits in surfing.
On one normal morning surf, though, her arm was bitten off by a shark! She was rushed to the hospital and fortunately survived despite great blood loss.
Through this traumatic experience, Hamilton was able to see the light at the end of the tunnel.
She used what most would consider a great tragedy to serve as a light for the Lord!
She now travels around sharing her story and how God used this event in her life to her closer to Him.

And guess what... she still surfs! If that isn't a testimony, I don't know what is!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Business Brokerage 101

Experts and economists always talk about buyers and sellers markets for all sorts of things. Things like the housing market, used and new cars, condos, luxury lifestyle items, ect. What is less commonly analyzed: the market of businesses. Weird thought, right? Selling a business... It seems a little backward from the usual model of businesses sell goods and services. However, businesses have their own market just like any good. And there is more... Real estate brokers? Well there are actually business brokers too! They just so happen to sell businesses that cost millions to hundreds of millions of dollars each year. Now that the picture of the business market is painted, consider this in light of the current economy. There are many complexities in the situation, reasons to sell and not to sell, but this article from the New York Times sums it up pretty well:
Is it a buyer's market or seller's market? The article suggests that both are true to some extent, and focuses on the timing if the sale of the business.

Reasons to sell now:
1. Tax cuts- the Bush-era tax cuts have been extended to 2013
2. Coming out of the recession, people are looking for new careers and ventures... owning a business that already has some established credibility is a great place for many people to start.
3. The baby boomers looking to retire are going to flood the market with their businesses for sale in about ten years.

Reasons to sell later:
1. Business prices will stabilize after 2013.
2. Business valuations will increase after they return to pre-recession levels in 2014.

The article offers this last piece of advice to people planning to sell their businesses, "Whatever your situation, the sooner you start thinking about the many issues associated with the sale of a business and how they will affect you, your family and your transaction, the more successful your outcome is likely to be."

Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Intangible Tulo

Troy Tulowitzki is no doubt a fantastic MLB player; there is a reason he is the only player in baseball signed through 2020. His stats further prove his exceptional success in the sport. The Rockies' head coach, Dave Snow, claims Tulowitzki brings more to the Colorado Rockies than just stats.

In a New York Times interview, he stated, "I came back a week later, and he was back in the lineup. Just his presence at shortstop, I noticed an immediate difference in the whole ball club — the tempo, the energy — and it carried over into the game. There’s something intangible with Tulo, with his makeup and his inner drive."

So how do you value such an intangible asset? Try $175.75 million from 2011-2020. That is around $17.575 million a season, or about 44 times the salary of Obama.

Consider this, young men of America...
You could be the future president of the United States of America.
Or, with some baseball talent and hard work, you could be ridiculously wealthy and play in the MLB.
It's your call, but the odds of landing the job are better for 'MLB superstar.' And you could be a millionaire.

Link to the NYT article:

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Trash Your Backyard?

No one wants trash in his or her backyard. No family wants a landfill where their children play. This is the issue the Greek town of Keratea is facing. The government is being very persistent about planting the landfill right behind the town. The major complaint of the local citizens is that the proposed location of the landfill is a treasure chest of archaeological riches. Other Greek towns have also faced similar protests over landfills in recent years.
The protests have been raging for around 3 months. They do not appear to be near a compromise.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

NYC and Quincy (that rhymes ;))

Well, the huge snowstorm that hit the North East is old news. Every year, a 'massive blizzard' dumps feet of snow on the North East and every major news group covers the storm from a week before it comes to weeks after the storm. They show pictures of buried cars and video clips of teenagers snowboarding down their streets.
Removal of the snow is an entirely different issue. Once the novelty of the annual snow-party-hoorah wears off, people are faced with the prospect of clearing the snow off the street. As New York City struggled with the task of clearing the snow, Quincy, Mass. had successfully discovered a way to clear snow more quickly and cheaply.
Instead of paying contractors by the hour to clear snow, they pay by the inch. This leads to a 5 to 10% savings and, miraculously, the work was finished more quickly! I suppose there is less incentive to dilly-dally at work if you are not getting paid by time spent! Maybe NYC should take a page out of the book of Quincy.

Here is the link to the article:

Enjoy the warm(ish) weather!!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Retirement 2.0

The man responsible for leaving perhaps the biggest impact on cycling that the sport has ever seen is finally retiring. His strong career included seven consecutive Tour de France wins and success in many other events throughout his years. He retired once before, but came out of retirement with hopes of earning an eighth title. He finished his next two races 3rd and then 23rd respectively, failing to acquire another victory.

Armstrong's road to his seven major titles was long and plagued with misfortune. Before winning his first Tour de France race, he had to overcome testicular cancer. He has also faced many accusations of using performance enhancing drugs, coming away clean after every drug test.

In this interview announcing his retirement, he even had a shout out to J-Beibs! He was quoted saying, "Never say never... Just kidding."

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Here is the link to the Wall Street Journal article:
Publish Post

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Are you FBO?

Are you FBO? (FBO = Facebook Official)
This phrase has officially entered the public jargon. Whenever a girl is beginning a new relationship, it is practically guaranteed the first question her best friend will ask is, "Well are you FBO yet?"
This forces couples exploring a dating relationship to "DTR" sooner and sooner. DTR means to define the relationship. This DTR phenomenon is becoming more and more important in relationships as there is increasing pressure to put a label on the relationship.
Another aspect of facebook relationship titles is the demographics behind the labels. More women than men report their relationship status. Of those reported, more men were listed as single than women.
So is the facebook relationship status a good thing? I guess it depends. If you are a single 30-year-old male, this could be very beneficial to you. If you are a confused college freshman unsure of where you stand with the cute boy next to you in class, you might not be in such a rush to define your late night Common Grounds conversations.
The good news: you don't have to list your status. So all peer pressure and social implications aside, enjoy your freedom is remaining relationship anonymous!

Here is the link to the article: